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Privacy Policy

Handling Personal Information

The National Institute of Informatics (hereinafter the "NII") respects the privacy of those who use "OpenIdP" (hereinafter the "OpenIdP User"), and pays meticulous attention to the management of OpenIdP Users' personal information.

1. Personal Information

By "Personal Information", the NII means user ID, display name and email address that were entered at the time of user registration to the Services, and any other information such as IP address and time stamp at the time of access, complaints, consultation or inquiry, and such information that can be used to identify a particular individual by combining one or more of these.

2. Objective of Usage of Personal Information

The NII will use the obtained personal information for the following objectives:
  1. To provide the Services and information about the Services
  2. To improve the Services or to develop new services etc.
  3. To prevent the usage in a way that infringes the Terms of Use of the Services

3. Limit of Objective of Usage

The NII will handle the obtained personal information within the appropriate scope that is necessary to achieve the Objective of Usage. In cases where personal information will be used outside the scope of the Objective of Usage, the NII will do so by obtaining consent from the OpenIdP User in advance. This, however, shall not apply to the following cases:
  1. Cases in which the handling of personal information is based on laws and regulations
  2. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  3. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, a local government, or an entity entrusted by either of the former two in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs concerned

4. Acquisition of Information

The NII will obtain personal information by legitimate and fair means, and will not obtain it through illicit means that are against the will of the OpenIdP User.

5. Notification of the Objective of Usage at the Time of Acquisition

The NII will notify or publicize the Objective of Usage when it obtains personal information. When the Objective of Usage is due to be changed, the NII will notify or publicize the change and obtain the consent of OpenIdP Users.

6. Appropriate Protection of Personal Information

The NII will take appropriate measures to keep correct and latest personal information of OpenIdP Users. Likewise, the NII will manage the OpenIdP Users' personal information appropriately and safely.

7. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

Information that an OpenIdP User entered at the time of usage of the Services such as display name, email address and identification information (ePPN) generated from the user ID may be provided to other service providers who work together as part of the Services' function. In principle, as part of the Services' function, other personal information of an OpenIdP User will not be provided to a third party without the consent of the OpenIdP User concerned. Providing that the party to which the information is to be provided and the content of the information to be provided are identified, the NII will only provide such information if the consent of the OpenIdP User was obtained. This, however, shall not apply to the following cases:
  1. Cases in which the provision of personal information is based on laws and regulations
  2. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  3. Cases in which the provision of personal information is particularly necessary for the improvement of the public health or the promotion of children's healthy development and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  4. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, a local government, or an entity entrusted by either of the former two in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs concerned

8. Disclosure of Personal Information

If an OpenIdP User providing his/her personal information wishes to disclose it, the NII will respond to such request without delay. The NII, however, may not disclose all or part of it in the following cases:
  1. Cases in which the disclosure of personal information may be prejudicial to life, body, property, or any other rights and interests of the OpenIdP User concerned or a third party
  2. Cases in which the disclosure of personal information may be a significant impediment to the NII's appropriate execution of its affaires
  3. Cases in which the disclosure of personal information may be an infringement to other laws and regulations

9. Procedure to Correct, Stop the Usage etc. of Personal Information

If an OpenIdP User providing his/her personal information wishes to correct, add, delete, stop or eliminate the usage of it, the NII will deal with such requests within a reasonable period of time after verifying the identity of the OpenIdP User.

10. Revision of Privacy Policy

The NII may revise all or part of the Privacy Policy. When there is an important change, the NII will publicize such changes on the web site.